Welcome to MyLifeStories, a hub of tips and resources to help you:
tell stories from your life
preserve memories of loved ones
share ancestor stories and your family history
engage your audience with true-life storytelling
Interest Relatives in Family History
Share a bit at a time, show images… and most of all, tell the human stories of your ancestors. Check out these ways to interest relatives of all ages in your family history.
Connecting Past with Present
Join me as I share findings with relatives, to connect how our family’s past led to our lives today – including some surprising discoveries!
Life Story Interview Tips
Interviews are a great way to capture someone’s memories, stories and family history. Use these tips to create a rewarding process for both you and your interviewee.
Interviewing for Life Stories
I find it rewarding to interview someone about their life stories. Here are some of my experiences, and take-aways for a fruitful process.
Where to Share Life Stories
Whether in person, online, or in-print, you have many choices for where to share life stories. It depends what suits you, your audience, and your material.
Writing Methods to Engage Readers
Use these key writing methods to bring your stories to life. Help your readers to imagine being in the world of your story, on a journey to find out what happens next.
Telling Stories from My Life
My life-storytelling journey has evolved over the years. From letters and poems to short stories and spoken word, here are some of my experiences and take-aways.
Ways to Tell Life Stories
Write life stories, tell true tales aloud, or share with images. How about short stories from your life, or profiles of ancestors? Choose which options suit you best.